Accessibility and Inclusion

5 actions you can implement now to make your website more inclusive

Webinar Accessibilità Inclusione
3 December 2024
1 hour

Have you ever thought about how your customers actually experience your website? They may be customers with visual impairments, hearing impairments, colour blindness or other disabilities that affect their online experience.
Digital accessibility is not just a legal obligation, but a social responsibility. On the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, we will explore in this webinar with Paolo Ferrante the importance of online accessibility, the impact of the new regulations planned for 2025 and 5 practical actions you can implement now to make your websites inclusive and usable for all.

Webinar agenda:

  • Why accessibility is a social as well as a legal responsibility
  • Overview of accessibility regulations and what to expect in 2025
  • Digital accessibility as an opportunity for business growth
  • 5 Practical Actions to Implement Now
  • Q&A


This is the perfect webinar for you if...

  • You are a Marketing Manager or Communications Manager who wants to improve your corporate image and reach more users with inclusive communication.
  • You are part of the Compliance or Legal Team and want to ensure that your company complies with accessibility regulations in view of the 2025 deadlines.
  • You are a Product Manager or Project Manager and are looking for solutions to integrate digital accessibility into your projects at an early stage.
  • You are an Entrepreneur who wants to differentiate yourself as an innovative and socially responsible company.


Find out how to turn accessibility into a growth opportunity for your company and offer all your users a barrier-free digital experience.
