Energy and Sustainability

A project to create images that tell the brand values in the sustainable energy sector, combining visual innovation and message coherence, thanks to generative AI.

Innovative visual storytelling in sustainable energy through generative AI

Energy and Sustainability Case Study cover image
Innovative visual storytelling in sustainable energy with AI
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In the ‘Energy and Sustainability’ project, we embarked on a creative journey to transform the values and vision of a leading sustainable energy brand into an engaging visual narrative.

Using Midjourney's innovative AI and a co-design process, we developed two sets of media libraries: one illustrating inspirational concepts related to the brand's identity and the other presenting these values set in real-life contexts. This approach effectively communicated the brand's mission, combining creativity and technology.

CaseStudy AI Energy Il Progetto
Titolo prima colonna
The Challenge
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The brand needed to effectively communicate its identity and environmental values in a competitive market. They needed to create a distinctive visual impression that could represent their vision of sustainability and innovation, as well as generate interest and engagement with their target audience.

The challenge lay in interpreting and visualising these values in a way that resonated emotionally with the target audience, while optimising the creative process for rapid market implementation.

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CaseStudy AI Energy La Sfida
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CaseStudy AI Energy La Sfida full width
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Titolo prima colonna
The Project
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The project started with a co-design workshop to capture the essence and communication objectives of the brand. We collaborated with the client to bring out the distinctive features of the brand. From the interesting elements that emerged, we developed two distinct but coherent concepts: one that would convey the brand's values and identity through inspirational imagery, and another that would present and contextualise them in concrete real-world scenarios.

Using Midjourney, we transformed these concepts into two unique media libraries, combining the shared information to generate specific textual prompts. This approach allowed us to create visual content that was customised, elegant and perfectly aligned with the brand's communication objectives. The images were used within the company's website and digital channels. 

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CaseStudy AI Energy Il Progetto full width
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The Goals
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Testo seconda colonna

The innovative approach adopted in the ‘Energy and Sustainability’ project led to significant results. The media libraries created strengthened the brand identity of the brand and improved the communication of its core values. In quantitative terms, we saw an improvement in time to market due to the speed of visual creation offered by AI.

These efforts increased the engagement of the target audience and enabled the brand to present itself as a leader in sustainable energy, with an image that clearly reflects its vision and mission.

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CaseStudy AI Energy I Risultati
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A project to create images that tell the brand values in the sustainable energy sector, combining visual innovation and message coherence, thanks to generative AI.

Soluzione Lavoro