Mebra Plastik

Mebra Plastik Italia turned to Hinto®Group for a complete renewal of the brand's identity and image on the occasion of its 50-year anniversary.

Mebra Plastik Brand Identity - Case Study | Hinto®Group

Portfolio Mebra Plastik Cover
Reinventing brand identity to reflect innovation and modernity
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immagine cover Mebra
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Mebra Plastik Italia Spa, a company with deep roots specialising in the extrusion of hydraulic and pneumatic pipes, expressed its desire to embark on a path of renewal of its brand identity on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. 


Working with Hinto®Group, Mebra's goal was to reposition itself in the market, expressing its young and innovative soul always looking to the future, but with a solid foundation in the company's historic past. This significant project was a journey of rediscovery and renewal, aimed at reflecting the avant-garde essence and engineering quality of Mebra in its brand and digital presence, with a particular focus on the company website

Immagine dettaglio Mebra Plastik
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The Challenge
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The main obstacle that Mebra Plastik Italia had to face was how to present itself to the market in an authentic and innovative way, staying true to its heritage and identity


The challenge was twofold: 

  • define and communicate a new brand image that reflected the company's evolution and its spirit of rebuking trends; 
  • translate this new identity into an engaging digital experience, both in website design and visual communication. All this required careful analysis and a creative strategy to renew the brand image without losing its historical essence.


These fundamental points were combined with the need to have a website that is usable, performing and functional for lead generation activities. 

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Immagine Sfida Mebra Plastik
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Testo Quote

The Hinto Design team helped us to present ourselves to our customers and competitors as we truly are.



Nome autore
Nicola M.
Ruolo autore
Marketing Manager
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Titolo prima colonna
The Project
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Testo seconda colonna

The Mebra Plastik Italia brand renewal project followed a well-structured process, which began with brand definition workshops carried out in collaboration with the Mebra management team. 


After establishing the new brand personality and tone of voice, the Hinto®Group team worked on the design of the new logo and a series of illustrations for digital channels


Subsequently, a benchmark analysis was carried out to identify the best practices in the sector and define the marketing funnel of the new website, with a focus on lead generation objectives. The results were a new IT architecture and a new page structure


Lastly, the design team focused on developing the wireframes and high-fidelity prototype for the website, ensuring maximum usability and aesthetics reflecting Mebra's new identity. 


Parallel to the site development and creation phase, an advanced tracking strategy was developed through Google Tag Manager, allowing the collection of data in Google Analytics in order to optimise conversion rates.

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Progetto Membra Plastik
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immagine progetto Mebra Plastik
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Titolo prima colonna
The Results
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Testo seconda colonna

The brand restyling project for Mebra Plastik Italia has brought significant, tangible results. With the new logo, the renewed website and a new visual identity, Mebra has strengthened its presence in the market, showing the world its creative and innovative soul. 


The new site structure strategy has improved lead generation efficiency, optimising the acquisition of targeted traffic, user browsing and conversion rates. 


The renewal has increased brand recognition, effectively expressing Mebra's history and values and strengthening the company's position as an innovative industry leader.

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Immagine risultati progetto Mebra Plastik
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Testo anteprima

Mebra Plastik Italia si è rivolta a Hinto®Group per un rinnovamento completo dell’identità e immagine del brand in occasione dei suoi 50 anni di storia.
