An innovative dashboard for the aggregation and visualisation of energy data.

NHOA and Hinto®Group: an innovative dashboard to monitor global energy data. Discover the case study on our website.

Portfolio Case Nhoa Anteprima
ENG dashboard innovativa per l'aggregazione e visualizzazione di dati energetici
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immagine principale NHOA
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Recognised as a global leader in the electricity market, NHOA was committed to an ambitious project to optimise the management and visualisation of data from its power plants. 

NHOA asked Hinto®Group to create an advanced dashboard, K-WIZE, that enabled efficient real-time data access and management. This project required careful analysis and the creation of an intuitive design to meet end user needs in a complex context.

immagine principale NHOA
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The Challenge
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NHOA needed to develop a solution capable of clearly and effectively aggregating and displaying complex data from its electricity plants around the world. The main challenge was to create a dashboard that not only collected real-time data from thousands of sensors, but also made them easily interpretable and usable for numerous business needs. 

The most important request was for the dashboard to be accessible to different types of users, from IT staff to business managers, while also intuitive and ensuring an optimal user experience in different operational contexts.

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immagine sfida NHOA
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The Project
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Called K-WIZE, the project began with a phase of discovery and in-depth analysis, including workshop sessions with the IT and Business teams to identify specific customer needs. During these sessions, particular attention was paid to understanding the different end users through the creation of detailed Personas. This drove the design phase of the information architecture and user flows, laying the foundation for effective, functional design.

We then moved on to the creation of wireframes and graphic prototypes, focusing on a modular structure that could accommodate the various types of data and reports needed by users. These prototypes were then tested in field sessions to ensure their usability and effectiveness in a real work environment.

On the technological front, we faced the challenge of collecting and analysing data from thousands of sensors, creating a robust infrastructure based on AWS with the use of Kubernetes for orchestration, Logstash for data parsing and InfluxDB as a database time series. The combination of Symfony for the backend and ReactJS for the frontend made it possible to create a responsive, high-performance web application that could meet NHOA's complex data aggregation and visualisation needs

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immagine progetto NHOA
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immagine progetto NHOA
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The Results
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The launch of K-WIZE was a remarkable success for NHOA, revolutionising the company's ability to manage and analyse energy data

The application made it possible to aggregate complex data from more than 20 electricity generation plants in the world, offering real-time, high-frequency visualisation through the InfluxDB database. This has significantly improved accuracy and efficiency in data management

The AWS-based infrastructure has ensured system reliability and scalability, enabling seamless management and easy access to critical data. 

In conclusion, K-WIZE transformed NHOA's data-driven strategy, facilitating making informed decisions and improving overall operations.

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Immagine risultati progetto NHOA
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Testo anteprima

NHOA chose Hinto®Group to develop a dashboard for the real-time management and analysis of energy data from its plants on a global scale.
