A2A - Datagram

A2A transforms the management and sharing of corporate data with Datagram, an application that promotes a data-driven approach, improving internal communication, data accessibility, and fostering greater collaboration between different business areas.

An app with social dynamics for sharing a data-driven culture

Portfolio A2A Datagram Anteprima
An app with social dynamics for sharing a data-driven culture
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A2A, a company recognized as a leader in the energy market, has been engaged in an ambitious project called "Datagram." This initiative aims to optimize the management, sharing and visualization of corporate data, promoting a data-driven culture within the organization. With Datagram, A2A intends to revolutionize internal communication, making data a hub for collaboration and innovation among different business areas.

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The Challenge
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The main challenge of the project was to find a way to navigate the era of big data, where effective management and leveraging of information becomes crucial to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. In this context, the company needed to develop a system that would facilitate not only the aggregation and analysis of data, but also its sharing and discussion among employees. The goal was to promote a more data-driven corporate culture by facilitating access to data, improving internal communication, and stimulating proactive collaboration based on shared insights and informed decisions.

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"The change factor when it comes to digitization is the most complex: changing the way people work and the way they interact with systems is the real challenge. In our project, being able to design the expected experience and usability together with the end user was a crucial element in the success of the solution."

Nome autore
Vito Martino
Ruolo autore
A2A Digital Hub Manager
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The Project
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The "Datagram" project for A2A followed a structured path that spanned several phases, from needs analysis to the final implementation of the application, which is constantly being updated.

First, we conducted an in-depth analysis of the Service, through several co-design sessions, to understand A2A's specific needs and how data was being used and shared within the organization. Thus, the project stakeholders and their needs were identified, which were then turned into functionalities suited to meet expectations.

Next, the protagonist was the prototyping phase, which went through the creation of ad hoc illustrations to make the application very user-friendly. During this phase, the Hinto®Group team brought the initial designs and mockups of the app to life, to test functionality and gather feedback from end users. The creation of the interface made it possible to provide guidance for the development of the application that maintained consistency with the a2a ecosystem while taking on an identity of its own.

The development of the app involved the creation of an integrated system that leverages social dynamics to facilitate sharing and discussion around the data, incorporating advanced features such as custom profiles, search, charts, and an educational section to delve deeper into data terminology.

On the technical side, the nature of the app required a solution that would allow versatility in using data from different sources and ease of reading. Hasura was the ideal choice for the backend implementation, with a system capable of interfacing with different datasources quickly and securely, while flutter was the technology chosen for the frontend given the required features.

Among the most interesting aspects of the project there is definitely the use of a mode of agile work, which allowed a constant priority upgrade and a gradual adoption of the solution, through an increase of functionality sprint after sprint.

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The Results
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The project led to the creation of an MVP that aims to improve the management and sharing of corporate data. Through the app, it is intended to stimulate the widespread adoption of a data-driven culture, with an increase in data awareness among employees.

Initial feedback has attested that internal communication is more effective, facilitating the exchange of relevant information and collaboration among teams. In addition, accessibility to data has been greatly expanded in the areas of use tested so far, enabling faster identification of strategic insights and improved decision-making ability.

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"The use of agile methodology and co-design tools was a critical success factor of the project: constantly listening to the end customer and being able to co-create the solution with them step by step in an incremental way were crucial in arriving at a result that met all expectations." 

Nome autore
Vito Martino
Ruolo autore
A2A Digital Hub Manager
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Informativa sul trattamento dei dati personali (art. 13 D.lgs. 196/2003) (art. 13 GDPR 679/2016)
Soggetti Interessati : Richiedenti impiego sezione web “Contattaci”
Hinto S.r.l., in qualità di ‘Titolare del Trattamento’ dei suoi dati personali, nella persona del Legale Rappresentante, ai sensi e per gli effetti del Regolamento Europeo sulla protezione dei dati personali in acronimo GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) 679/2016, con la presente La informa che la citata normativa prevede la tutela delle persone e di altri soggetti rispetto al trattamento dei dati personali e che tale trattamento sarà improntato ai principi di correttezza, liceità, trasparenza e di tutela della Sua riservatezza e dei Suoi diritti, come da art. 5 della predetta norma. I Suoi dati personali, previa accettazione con la spunta della casella che precede questa informativa, verranno trattati in accordo alle disposizioni legislative della normativa sopra richiamata e degli obblighi di riservatezza ivi previsti. La finalità del trattamento dei dati è meramente propedeutica ad avviare un canale di contatto con Lei, al fine di rispondere alle Sue esigenze o richieste di chiarimento, e dunque non verranno impiegati per scopi commerciali né ceduti a terzi. I dati verranno impiegati dal personale di Hinto al solo fine predetto, e quindi usati per comunicazioni dirette a Voi prive di finalità commerciali o terze, ma finalizzate a rispondere alle Vostre istanze. A fronte di ciò, il conferimento dei dati richiesti è necessario per gli scopi di contatto anzidetti, peraltro da Voi richiesti: nel caso in cui essi non vengano forniti, non si potrà dare corso alle risposte del caso e non potremo contattarVi. In ogni momento Voi avrete diritto di accesso ai Vostri dati, ovvero alla loro cancellazione o ad esercitare le altre opzioni e diritti previsti dall’ordinamento scrivendo ai seguenti recapiti mail o PEC:hinto@postecert.it
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A2A transforms the management and sharing of corporate data with Datagram, an application that promotes a data-driven approach, improving internal communication, data accessibility, and fostering greater collaboration between different business areas.
