A2A Energia: DXP Drupal

A2A Energia, a company of the A2A Group, working with Hinto®Group, has transformed the user experience and data management in the energy sector with advanced digital solutions, the core of which is DXP in Drupal.

A digital experience platform in Drupal to manage the group's commercial hub.

Case Study A2A DXP Drupal
A digital experience platform in Drupal to manage the group's commercial hub.
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A2A Energia, a company of the A2A Group, counting on the collaboration of Hinto®Group, has transformed the user interaction experience and the management of crucial information for the company, through the development, evolution and optimisation of a digital experience platform capable of interfacing with the group's entire complex ecosystem of touchpoints and tools.

By managing DXP with Drupal and integrating numerous advanced technologies, A2A aims to continuously improve customer engagement and operational efficiency.

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The Challenge
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The main challenge for A2A Energia was to manage a complex and constantly evolving digital environment, integrating the entire offering to the public. All this while guaranteeing a top-quality user experience and maximum
efficiency in data management.

The objective was not only to integrate the group's different entities, improving the customer experience through digital innovation, but also to optimise internal processes for greater agility and operational responsiveness.

This required an integrated approach that could embrace different technologies and platforms, while maintaining a holistic view of the A2A Group's digital ecosystem.

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The Project
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The project that involved Hinto®Group in A2A Energia's activities focused on the creation and ongoing management of the Digital Experience Platform (DXP), based on Drupal, which is now the hub for managing A2A's website and web application interfaces. The Hinto® team, with developers who are certified Drupal experts, worked on the integration of DXP with the A2A Group's digital ecosystem, including the web app and internal systems.

The methodological approach adopted included business needs analysis, design, development, ongoing updates and maintenance management, in constant collaboration with all stakeholders. The activities covered CMS management, implementation of evolutions, incident resolution and workflow optimisation, ensuring the efficiency and scalability of A2A's digital solutions.

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The Results
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The collaboration of Hinto®️Group with A2A Energia led to significant results in the management of the Digital Experience Platform (DXP). Through the efficient integration of Drupal, a highly customisable and scalable open source system, we were able to achieve all the planned objectives.

The evolutions implemented over time and continuous maintenance have improved the digital experience for users, making the entire ecosystem more efficient. This has helped strengthen A2A's position within the energy sector, highlighting the importance of a well-managed digital ecosystem in a highly articulated and competitive context.

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Hinto S.r.l., in qualità di ‘Titolare del Trattamento’ dei suoi dati personali, nella persona del Legale Rappresentante, ai sensi e per gli effetti del Regolamento Europeo sulla protezione dei dati personali in acronimo GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) 679/2016, con la presente La informa che la citata normativa prevede la tutela delle persone e di altri soggetti rispetto al trattamento dei dati personali e che tale trattamento sarà improntato ai principi di correttezza, liceità, trasparenza e di tutela della Sua riservatezza e dei Suoi diritti, come da art. 5 della predetta norma. I Suoi dati personali, previa accettazione con la spunta della casella che precede questa informativa, verranno trattati in accordo alle disposizioni legislative della normativa sopra richiamata e degli obblighi di riservatezza ivi previsti. La finalità del trattamento dei dati è meramente propedeutica ad avviare un canale di contatto con Lei, al fine di rispondere alle Sue esigenze o richieste di chiarimento, e dunque non verranno impiegati per scopi commerciali né ceduti a terzi. I dati verranno impiegati dal personale di Hinto al solo fine predetto, e quindi usati per comunicazioni dirette a Voi prive di finalità commerciali o terze, ma finalizzate a rispondere alle Vostre istanze. A fronte di ciò, il conferimento dei dati richiesti è necessario per gli scopi di contatto anzidetti, peraltro da Voi richiesti: nel caso in cui essi non vengano forniti, non si potrà dare corso alle risposte del caso e non potremo contattarVi. In ogni momento Voi avrete diritto di accesso ai Vostri dati, ovvero alla loro cancellazione o ad esercitare le altre opzioni e diritti previsti dall’ordinamento scrivendo ai seguenti recapiti mail o PEC:hinto@postecert.it
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Una digital experience platform in Drupal per gestire l’hub commerciale del gruppo.

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