CGT collaborated with Hinto®Group to develop an application that digitises and simplifies machinery rental processes, improving efficiency and data management.

CGT revolutionizes rental management with Hinto®Group's digital innovation. Discover the case study on our website.

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An app to revolutionise rental management with digital innovation
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CGT, the official Caterpillar dealer in Italy since 1934, used Hinto®Group’s expertise to address a crucial challenge: the digitalisation of machinery rental processes. With the goal of integrating advanced technology into workflows, CGT sought a solution that could not only simplify and make mechanics' day-to-day operations more efficient, but also improve interaction and data management


This project represented an important step towards the modernisation of CGT's services, highlighting the commitment to the adoption of innovative digital solutions to optimise business processes.

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The Challenge
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CGT turned to Hinto®Group for a complex challenge: to transform its machinery monitoring, return and rental processes, traditionally managed on paper, into an efficient and intuitive digital system. The company needed to create an application that could digitally handle crucial aspects of the job, including machine inspection reports, both on delivery and upon return. 


The processes involved included the collection and analysis of detailed information, all in a context where different actors, such as mechanics, workshop managers and end customers, had to interact and deal with important information and data


The challenge was therefore not only technological, but also organisational: 

  • ensure that the app was easily usable by staff with various technical skills and roles
  • promote the app's integration into CGT's existing work processes in a harmonious manner.
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Hinto has supported us by offering up diverse expertise: Service and UX/UI Designers, Frontend and Backend Developers able to guide us with professionalism and overall vision.

Nome autore
Andrea D.
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The Project
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The project with CGT began with a product discovery approach, carried out through workshops at the customer's site. This initial phase allowed to thoroughly define the contents of the checklists, the application flow and the technological architecture to be adopted.


We then proceeded with the design of wireframes and high-fidelity graphic prototypes, tested directly in the field with the mechanics. Particular attention was given to the size of icons and buttons, optimizing the interface for practical use in outdoor work environments


In technological terms, we chose ReactJS for the frontend development and NodeJS with NestJS for the backend, following the Component Driven Development methodology for greater efficiency and modularity. 


The final solution was a versatile platform, usable on various devices and calibrated to the specific needs of mechanics, significantly simplifying their daily work.


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immagine progetto CGT
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The Results
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The application's implementation led to tangible and meaningful results for CGT. 


  • The digitalisation of processes has improved day-to-day operational efficiency, eliminating the need for mechanics to store machine codes and allowing the reassignment of work among staff. This has greatly reduced training time and minimised the error rate in data and operations. 
  • The automation of activities has eliminated up to four days of manual work used for data entry, optimising workspaces and contributing to a reduction in costs.
  • The solution has also facilitated the rapid issuance of invoices, thanks to the integration of electronic signatures and automatic email sending. 


In summary, the project has radically transformed rental management at CGT, bringing efficiencyreliability and a more sustainable approach to the entire process.

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The Hinto team helped us to create the product we had in mind, paying attention to respecting our requirements and the needs of the internal development team and the business.

Nome autore
Alessandro C.
Ruolo autore
IT Manager
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CGT collaborated with Hinto®Group to develop an application that digitises and simplifies machinery rental processes, improving efficiency and data management.
