Banca di Asti

Banca di Asti engaged Hinto®Group to innovate its Help Desk flows, improving request management and operational efficiency through a strategic approach and advanced technological solutions.

Banca di Asti engaged Hinto®Group to innovate its Help Desk flows, improving request management and operational efficiency through a strategic approach and advanced technological solutions.

Case Study Banca di Asti Anteprima
Redefinition and streamlining of office helpdesk flows
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Watch the interview with Marco Stroppiana, Head of the Organisation Office of Banca di Asti 

Banca di Asti, a well-known bank with a solid presence in northern Italy, started an ambitious digital transformation project with the aim of optimising internal Help Desk flows.

Working with Hinto®Group, the intention was to optimise operational efficiency and improve the management of assistance requests, emphasising the importance of an agile and technologically advanced customer service. This initiative is part of the broader context of modernisation that the bank is pursuing to dynamically respond to the challenges of the contemporary banking industry.

Titolo prima colonna
The Challenge
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Testo seconda colonna

The main challenge for Banca di Asti was to redefine the Help Desk flows to improve efficiency in handling requests, ensure the correctness of the information provided and standardise documentation as well as operations.

The ultimate goal was to reduce the time for handling requests, increase satisfaction in solving problems and decrease the number of generic or out-of-competence tickets. All of these issues emerged clearly during the first phase of the project and were subsequently managed through a system that could effectively categorise requests based on urgency, competence and complexity.

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"The decision to partner with Hinto®Group for this challenge stems from a shared strategic choice: to put the internal client at the centre of the project, i.e. the headquarters and branch staff. Hinto®Group was attentive to this aspect, which is an integral part of their approach and their focus on combining end-user and business needs."

Nome autore
Marco Stroppiana
Ruolo autore
Head of the Organisation Office of Banca di Asti
Tema Sezione
Titolo prima colonna
The Project
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Testo seconda colonna

The project for Banca di Asti required careful planning and equally meticulous implementation.

The first phase saw the Hinto®Group team engaged in an in-depth analysis of the existing workflows within the bank through shadowing sessions and interviews in which the Service Designers were able to observe the field work of Helpdesk and Branch operators, with particular focus on the support processes of internal customers and end customers. Through these sessions the staff of Banca d'Asti, we identified the main inefficiencies and areas for improvement, outlining three key objectives:


  • optimisation of time management for service requests;
  • improvement of access, accuracy and transparency in information searches;
  • standardisation of documentation and operations to reduce generic and out-of-competence tickets.


To address the first objective, we developed a system that standardises the hierarchy of requests in consideration of business impacts, thus enabling more effective management of time and priorities. This system has led to a significant reduction in calls and ticket lifetimes, saving considerable time for the Help Desk staff.


To ensure correct information and transparent operations, we implemented a competence-based management model, distinguishing between first- and second-level tickets according to complexity. This approach has significantly improved end-user satisfaction and increased the percentage of requests resolved on first contact.

Finally, we worked on the aggregation and standardisation of documentation, introducing solutions such as supported FAQs and specific training for handling reports. This led to a significant reduction in out-of-competence requests and improved user autonomy in solving problems.

The technological heart of the project was the integration of tools such as Confluence and Jira Service Management, which offered a unified platform for managing requests, from the inception of the idea through to completion and post-implementation support. This solution created an ecosystem of tools capable of following and supporting all phases of the project in a cohesive and integrated manner.


The management of such an impactful change to day-to-day operations was accompanied by a major communication project. We set up a constantly updated platform through which to communicate the changes taking place: the focus was placed on the needs, difficulties and problems of the stakeholders in order to provide an explanation of the solutions put in place in response. In this way, the stakeholders were able to fully understand the reasons for the choices made during the project and to remain constantly updated on the changes taking place and the results achieved.

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Case Study Banca Di Asti Il Progetto
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Titolo prima colonna
The Goals
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Testo seconda colonna

The implementation of a structured request management system is allowing the reduction of the average ticket life time, showing a substantial improvement in time management for the Help Desk staff.

The quality of information provided to users is improving thanks to competence-based management: there has been a general increase in user satisfaction, also in view of an increasing number of first-contact resolutions.

In addition, the strategy of aggregation and standardisation of documentation is reducing out-of-competence requests, promoting user autonomy with an increase in the ability to self-solve.

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CaseStudy Banca di Asti I Risultati
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"The objectives achieved not only reflect the effectiveness of the technical and technological solutions adopted, but also the strong impact on organisational culture that strategic choices can have. The result has strengthened the bank's approach to customer service, which has always been one of our bank's most recognisable strengths." 

Nome autore
Marco Stroppiana
Ruolo autore
Head of Organisation Office of Banca di Asti
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Banca di Asti engaged Hinto®Group to innovate its Help Desk flows, improving request management and operational efficiency through a strategic approach and advanced technological solutions.
