
Lavazza approached Hinto®Group with the need to reshape its digital processes. The goal was to best combine global business and IT needs in a highly complex digital environment.


Lavazza and Hinto®Group: digital process innovation for a global leader. Discover the case study on our website.

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Redesigning digital processes to meet the needs of the Business and IT teams
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Watch the interview with Matteo Lanfranco, Marketing IT Manager of Lavazza Group

Founded in Turin in 1895, Lavazza Group is one of the world's leading players in the coffee industry, with a turnover of over 2.7 billion euros. It is active in all business sectors and operates in 140 markets, with around 5,500 employees worldwide.


Lavazza approached Hinto®Group with the need to reshape its digital processes. The goal was to best combine global business and IT needs in a highly complex digital environment.

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Reduction of Anomalies
Processes in a single Suite
Business functions involved
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The Challenge
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Lavazza was facing a new challenge: to create a single process integrating three different processes therein, which had been managed differently: 

  • Demand Planning, containing all the requests to be executed during the year by the Marketing Department; 
  • Business Request, containing all running requests to be executed day by day on each digital touchpoint; 
  • IT Enhancement, containing all the developments to be made at the IT level within the platform. 


The platform was very complex and involved different actors at both the headquarters level and at the level of the subsidiaries, connecting different departments such as Sales, Marketing, IT, Customer Service, etc.

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We chose to work with Hinto®Group because they brought concrete examples, demonstrating strong prior experience in relation to what we wanted to work on, and because an expert in UX and processes was proposed who could help us in the initial phase, supporting us to better design what the new process would be.

Nome autore
Matteo Lanfranco
Ruolo autore
Lavazza Group Marketing IT Manager
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Titolo prima colonna
The Project
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The project was structured into several phases that highlighted different characteristics, specificities and deliverables.

  • Assessment with a Service Design and ITIL expert: we held several sessions at Lavazza to understand how to efficiently map the processes related to all the areas involved. 
  • Development: we transferred activities to Atlassian systems following ITIL best practices.  
  • Delivery & Go Live: we shared and activated the new processes with the different actors involved, following the adoption in a specific manner and being present during all the phases.
  • Live post-go consultancy: we supported the actors involved in activity management on the new systems, guaranteeing crucial support in the initial start-up phase. This underlined several points for reflection that are still bringing developments and improvements today.
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The Results
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The time spent upstream for the management of user stories, their analysis and their refinement took much more time, facilitating all the downstream activities, including the end-to-end and UAT phase, where we saw a drastic reduction in all the reports from the business. 


The use of a single Atlassian suite with integrated tools allowed to reconcile needs by mapping a unique process, originating from business needs and reaching as far as production on the systems. The introduction of a test management plug-in made it possible to better track one of the most important phases of the process.

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immagine risultati Lavazza
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Hinto®Group confirmed the strengths demonstrated during the bidding process, highlighting strong previous experience. We reduced the anomalies and bugs identified during the UAT phase by 60%. Hinto®Group thus managed to implement a new project and a new process following our requests and respecting our strong requirements to reduce the use of plug-ins to lower licensing costs.

Nome autore
Matteo Lanfranco
Ruolo autore
Lavazza Group Marketing IT Manager
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Lavazza approached Hinto®Group with the need to reshape its digital processes. The goal was to best combine global business and IT needs in a highly complex digital environment.
